Backup your Survey projects!

I don’t need to tell you how important saving backups can be. This page will cover what you need to know about saving your backup files.

InspectX backups are saved locally on your computer. The location of these backups can be changed in your settings, but they are initially set to save to the root directory where InspectX was installed. Typically that’ll be at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\InspectX 2\Backup

I HIGHLY recommend changing this directory to a location on your computer that will be backed up regularly. One of the easiest backup methods can be performed if you have any cloud file storage application (Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, etc.).
Inside the Settings of InspectX you’ll simply change the automatic backup directory to a folder backed up with your cloud service.

I’m using Microsoft OneDrive, so I’ll create a new backup folder location on my OneDrive account. Using the address bar at the top of the Explorer window just click alongside the address to copy this file path.

Finally, add this copied path into the Settings of InspectX.
This can be found under the MANAGE menu by clicking SETTINGS.

There is currently (as of late 2024) a known issue with the Dropbox client which was discovered to lock the backup files while uploading to their online storage. Locking the file location prevents the InspectX backup service from completing backups, specifically larger project files and the entire database file. If you are using Dropbox, please monitor the Tray Assistant for errors and ensure your backups are being saved correctly. Temporarily turning off Dropbox will also allow the backups to continue without errors.


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